Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Geographical area (lakh sq.km) |
2011 |
3.08 |
2 |
Rajasthan(3.42) |
Population (lakhs) |
2011 |
1123.74 |
2 |
Uttar Pradesh(1998.12) |
Density of population (per sq.km.) |
2011 |
365 |
12 |
Delhi(11320) |
Urban population to total population (%) |
2011 |
45.22 |
6 |
Delhi(97.5) |
State population to All India population (%) |
2011 |
9.28 |
2 |
Uttar Pradesh(16.5) |
Decennial growth rate of population (%) |
2001-11 |
16 |
16 |
Meghalaya(27.95) |
Sex ratio |
2011 |
929 |
19 |
Kerala(1084) |
Child Sex ratio (Age group 0-6 years) |
2011 |
894 |
18 |
Arunachal Pradesh(972) |
Total Households (lakh) |
2011 |
244.22 |
2 |
Uttar Pradesh(334.48) |
Female headed households (lakh) |
2011 |
31.36 |
2 |
Uttar Pradesh(40.07) |
Number of cultivators (lakh) |
2011 |
125.69 |
3 |
Uttar Pradesh(190.58) |
Per cent of households having access to safe drinking water |
2011 |
83.4 |
15 |
Punjab(97.6) |
SC population to total population (%) |
2011 |
11.81 |
18 |
Punjab(31.94) |
ST population to total population (%) |
2011 |
9.35 |
16 |
Mizoram(94.43) |
Disabled population to total population (Per cent) |
2011 |
2.64 |
4 |
Telangana(2.99) |
Slum population (All towns) to urban population (Per cent) |
2011 |
23.32 |
5 |
Andhra Pradesh(38.32) |
Main workers to total population (%) |
2011 |
38.94 |
3 |
Telangana(39.2) |
Agricultural workers to total workers (%) |
2011 |
52.71 |
15 |
Chhatisgarh(74.68) |
Female workers participation rate |
2011 |
31.06 |
14 |
Himachal Pradesh(44.82) |
SC - Scheduled Castes
ST - Scheduled Tribes
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Literacy € € - Male (%) |
2011 |
88.38 |
7 |
Kerala(96.11) |
Literacy € € - Female (%) |
2011 |
75.87 |
8 |
Kerala(92.07) |
Literacy € € - Total (%) |
2011 |
82.34 |
7 |
Kerala(94) |
Life expectancy at birth - Male (years) |
2016-18 |
71.6 |
3 |
Delhi(74.1) |
Life expectancy at birth - Female (years) |
2016-18 |
74.3 |
6 |
Kerala(78) |
Birth Rate |
2020 |
15 |
18 |
Bihar(25.5) |
Death Rate |
2020 |
5.5 |
14 |
Chhatisgarh(7.9) |
Infant mortality rate @ |
2020 |
16 |
15 |
Madhya Pradesh(43) |
Under five Infant mortality rate |
2020 |
18 |
14 |
Madhya Pradesh(51) |
Neo natal Mortality rate |
2020 |
11 |
13 |
Madhya Pradesh(31) |
Total Fertility rate |
2020 |
1.5 |
10 |
Bihar(3) |
Maternal mortality ratio |
2020 |
33 |
17 |
Assam(195) |
Human Development Index |
2019 |
0.701 |
8 |
Kerala(0.766) |
* - Provisional
€ € - The literacy rates related to the population aged seven years and above
@ - Infant mortality rates for smaller States and Union Territories are based on three years period 2016-18.
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Per capita revenue receipts of the State |
2021-22 |
28969 |
16 |
Arunachal Pradesh(157838) |
Share of State’s own Tax Revenue in Total revenue receipts (Per cent) |
2021-22 |
62.7 |
4 |
Delhi(80.2) |
Per capita share in central taxes |
2021-22 |
3861 |
26 |
Arunachal Pradesh(82498) |
Per capita grants from centre |
2021-22 |
5546 |
18 |
Arunachal Pradesh(55159) |
Share of development expenditure in total expenditure (Per cent) |
2021-22 |
61.2 |
20 |
Delhi(77.8) |
Percentage of revenue deficit (+)/surplus (-) to GSDP |
2021-22 |
1 |
10 |
Bihar(5.5) |
Percentage of fiscal deficit (+)/surplus (-) to GSDP |
2021-22 |
2.8 |
20 |
Bihar(11.4) |
Percentage of outstanding liabilities to GSDP |
2021-22 |
18.7 |
27 |
Mizoram(55.7) |
Per Capita income at current prices*(`) |
2021-22 |
215233 |
8 |
Sikkim(472543) |
Number of banking offices per lakh population@ |
31-3-2022 |
10.5 |
18 |
Goa(41.2) |
Per capita deposits@(" + r + ") |
31-3-2022 |
279160 |
3 |
Delhi(710208) |
Per capita credit@(" + r + ") |
31-3-2022 |
253798 |
2 |
Delhi(661837) |
Credit -Deposit Ratio (%) |
31-3-2022 |
90.9 |
5 |
Andhra Pradesh(138.8) |
Share of priority sector advances in total credit of scheduled commercial banks (%) |
31-3-2022 |
38.3 |
19 |
Gujarat(56.8) |
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana - Total account holders ('000) |
As on 1st Feb,2022 |
35524 |
5 |
Uttar Pradesh(85708) |
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana - Total RuPay cards holders ('000) |
As on 1st Feb,2022 |
22150 |
6 |
Uttar Pradesh(55632) |
Annual Credit Plan#(` Crore) |
2022-23 |
126060 |
8 |
Tamil Nadu(289488) |
@ Projected population as on 1st March 2020
# Target for agriculture and Allied activities
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
No. of establishments per lakh population |
(6th Economic Census) (2013) |
5462 |
13 |
Kerala(10043) |
Employment in establishment per lakh population |
(6th Economic Census) (2013) |
12914 |
13 |
Kerala(20711) |
CAGR - Establishment |
(5th Economic Census) (2005) |
4055 |
15 |
Kerala(8395) |
CAGR - Employment |
(5th Economic Census) (2005) |
10853 |
13 |
Delhi(22367) |
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Yield per hectare - All cereals (kg.) |
Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) |
1455 |
29 |
Punjab(4614) |
Yield per hectare - All pulses (kg.) |
Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) |
839 |
20 |
Delhi(2000) |
Yield per hectare - All foodgrains (kg.) |
Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) |
1208 |
29 |
Punjab(4597) |
Yield per hectare - All oilseeds (kg.) |
Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) |
1221 |
9 |
Tamil Nadu(2427) |
Yield per hectare - Cotton (lint) (kg.) |
Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) |
298 |
12 |
Punjab(764) |
Yield per hectare - Sugarcane (Tonne) (kg.) |
Triennial average (2018-19 to 2020-21) |
84 |
4 |
Kerala(116) |
Per capita foodgrains production (kg.) |
2020-21 |
127.2 |
23 |
Punjab(1005.9) |
Consumption of fertilizers per hectare cropped area (kg.) |
2019-20 |
124.8 |
14 |
Delhi(252.4) |
Gross irrigated area to gross cropped area(%) |
2019-20 |
0 |
Punjab(98.5) |
Net area sown per cultivator (Hectare) |
2019-20 |
1.3 |
8 |
Goa(4.1) |
Net area sown to total geographical area (%) |
2019-20 |
54.3 |
6 |
Punjab(81.9) |
Cropping Intensity |
2019-20 |
141 |
15 |
Delhi(263.6) |
Forest cover+ to total geographical area (%) |
2021 |
16.5 |
22 |
Mizoram(84.5) |
Tree cover ++ to total geographical area (%) |
2021 |
3.9 |
5 |
Delhi(9.9) |
Annual Rainfall (mm) |
2021 |
1410.7 |
15 |
Goa(3947.2) |
Average size of operational holdings(ha) |
2015-16 |
1.34 |
10 |
Nagaland(4.87) |
+ All Lands, more than 1 ha. in area, with a tree canopy density of more than 10 per cent irrespective of ownership and legal status, it also includes orchards, bamboo and palm.
++ It comprises of tree patches outside the recoded forest area exclusive of forest cover and less than the minimum mappable area (1 ha.)
NA - Not Available * Provisional
# Number of cultivators is based on Census 2011
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Enrolment in primary and secondary schools per thousand population |
2021-22 |
153 |
15 |
Meghalaya(270) |
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Elementary Level){Std I-VIII} |
2021-22 |
104.31 |
14 |
Meghalaya(155.65) |
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Secondary Level){Std IX-X} |
2021-22 |
93.65 |
9 |
Delhi(111.24) |
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Higher Secondary Level){Std XI-XII} |
2021-22 |
71.48 |
9 |
Delhi(95.01) |
Gross Enrolment Ratio (Higher Education Level) (18-23 years) |
2020-21 |
34.9 |
11 |
Delhi(47.6) |
Gender Parity Index* (Elementary Level){Classes I-VIII} |
2021-22 |
1.02 |
5 |
Assam(1.07) |
Gender Parity Index* (Secondary Level){Classes IX-X} |
2021-22 |
0.98 |
15 |
Meghalaya(1.24) |
Gender Parity Index* (Higher Secondary Level){Classes XI-XII} |
2021-22 |
0.98 |
17 |
Meghalaya(1.34) |
Gender Parity Index* (Higher Education Level){18-23 years} |
2020-21 |
0.92 |
19 |
Kerala(1.52) |
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Primary schools |
2021-22 |
25 |
8 |
Bihar(53) |
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Upper Primary Schools |
2021-22 |
26 |
3 |
Delhi(32) |
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Secondary schools |
2021-22 |
20 |
7 |
Bihar(54) |
Pupil - Teacher Ratio - Higher secondary schools |
2021-22 |
38 |
3 |
Bihar(62) |
Drop out rates@@* Primary Level (Classes I-V) Boys |
2021-22 |
0.04 |
17 |
Manipur(13.54) |
Drop out rates@@* Primary Level (Classes I-V) Girls |
2021-22 |
0 |
16 |
Manipur(12.96) |
Drop out rates@@* Upper Primary Level (Classes VI-VIII) Boys |
2021-22 |
1.47 |
19 |
Meghalaya(12.04) |
Drop out rates@@* Upper Primary Level (Classes VI-VIII) Girls |
2021-22 |
1.6 |
18 |
Meghalaya(9.4) |
Drop out rates@@* Secondary Level (Classes IX-X) Boys |
2021-22 |
10.81 |
17 |
Odisha(29.22) |
Drop out rates@@* Secondary Level (Classes IX-X) Girls |
2021-22 |
10.61 |
14 |
Odisha(25.24) |
Average number of Teachers per school* |
2021-22 |
6.8 |
11 |
Delhi(27) |
Female Teachers* (Per cent) |
2021-22 |
48.41 |
18 |
Goa(80.51) |
@@ Based on Educational stage * Provisional
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Annual Survey of Industries - Factories(No.) |
2019-20 |
25610 |
3 |
Tamil Nadu(38837) |
Annual Survey of Industries -Workers |
2019-20 |
1455 |
3 |
Tamil Nadu(2209) |
Annual Survey of Industries - Gross output Per Worker |
2019-20 |
8522 |
7 |
Odisha(11853) |
Annual Survey of Industries -Net value added Per Worker |
2019-20 |
1223 |
6 |
Sikkim(5404) |
Employed persons # - Rural (%) |
2020-21 |
46.5 |
10 |
Sikkim(64.8) |
Employed persons # - Urban (%) |
2020-21 |
36.7 |
14 |
Sikkim(49.3) |
Unemployment Rate # - Rural |
2020-21 |
2.2 |
19 |
Nagaland(17.8) |
Unemployment Rate # - Urban |
2020-21 |
6.5 |
16 |
Nagaland(24) |
Labour force participation Rate# - Rural |
2020-21 |
47.5 |
9 |
Sikkim(65.2) |
Labour force participation Rate# - Urban |
2020-21 |
39.2 |
13 |
Bihar(27.5) |
# Data based on Annual Report – Periodic Labour Force Survey, (July 2018- June 2019)
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Installed capacity of electricity per lakh population *(MW) |
31-03-2022 |
29.88@ |
12 |
Sikkim(136.59) |
Per capita generation of electricity *(kwh.) |
2021-22 |
1053.41$ |
8 |
Sikkim(5993.91) |
Aggregate Technical & Commercial Losses* (Per cent) |
2020-21 |
25.54 |
14 |
Nagaland(60.39) |
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Total (kwh.) |
2021-22 |
1010.2 |
11 |
Goa(2631.85) |
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Domestic (kwh.) |
2021-22 |
245.6 |
12 |
Goa(818.57) |
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Industrial (kwh.) |
2021-22 |
427 |
8 |
Goa(1419.38) |
Annual Per capita consumption of electricity* - Agriculture (kwh.) |
2021-22 |
289.9 |
6 |
Telangana(585.97) |
* Provisional
@ MAHAGENCO, Tata power Co.Ltd., Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd., MEDA, Central Electricity Authority
$ MAHAGENCO, Tata power Co. Ltd., Adani Electricity Mumbai Ltd., MAHADISCOM, Central Electricity Authority
Detailed Report
Indicator |
Reference Year |
Maharashtra |
State Rank |
Rank 1 State |
Motor vehicles per lakh population* (No.) |
31-03-2020 |
30482 |
9 |
Goa(93746) |
Total road length per hundred sq. km. of area* (km.) |
31-03-2019 |
207 |
11 |
Delhi(1090) |
Railway route length per hundred sq. km. of area* (km) |
31-03-2022 |
1.9 |
13 |
Delhi(12.38) |
Teledensity - Wireline |
30-9-2022 |
3.61 |
6 |
Delhi(17.59) |
Teledensity - Wireless |
30-9-2022 |
97.94 |
12 |
Delhi(183.86) |
Total Internet subscribers per 100 population |
30-9-2022 |
79.81 |
9 |
Delhi(202.19) |
Mean age at effective marriage(females) |
2020 |
23.7 |
3 |
Delhi(24.4) |
Per cent of children fully immunised |
2017-18 |
58.6 |
18 |
Manipur(75.1) |
Crimes against women (no.) |
2021 |
39526 |
3 |
Uttar Pradesh(56083) |
Crimes against children (no.) |
2021 |
17261 |
2 |
Madhya Pradesh(19173) |
Number of fair price shops/ration shops per lakh population |
2022-23 |
43 |
16 |
Sikkim(191) |
Population below poverty line (Per cent) |
2011-12 |
17.35 |
14 |
Chhatisgarh(39.93) |
Percentage of households having access to latrine facility |
2011 |
66 |
14 |
Delhi(96.7) |
Multi-dimensional Poverty Index |
2021 |
0.065 |
17 |
Bihar(0.265) |
* - Provisional
Detailed Report